Art of Nature was born out of the desire to help humanity fall back in love with nature. Thus my intention is to bring an ecological aesthetic into "built space". My art strives to insert pieces of the earth herself into man-made settings. Art of Nature or the Art of Amanda Rose Hopkins, otherwise known as A. Rose, is a collection of paintings, drawings, interactive environmental art installations and services to help you connect with nature.
Artist’s Statement
My style is rooted in abstract expressionism but also delves into the world of eco art because of my collaborative process in which the patterns within the found objects in nature drive the composition of the work. Plant material is inlaid with high quality adhesives onto cradled birch panels and then covered with layers of acrylic, adding dimensionality and contrast to the textures inherent in the plant materials.
I am fascinated by patterns that repeat themselves in nature and within the human body. For instance branching systems are seen in rivers, veins, leaves, lichen and in valleys, that particular patterns can transport water and liquid most efficiently. These patterns can also be seen as systems that connect human beings to the natural world, as we are also built and shaped by these systems. My style is rooted in abstract expressionism but also delves into the world of eco art because of my collaborative process in which the patterns within the found objects in nature drive the composition of the work. This found plant material is inlaid with high quality adhesives onto cradled birch panels and then covered with layers of acrylic, adding dimensionality and contrast to the textures inherent in the plant materials.
My intention is to place a lens on patterns in nature and particular types of plant life that are bio-indicators such as lichen and kelp. Usnea lichen only grows in areas where the air is clean, it is also intensely medicinal- having both anti-viral and anti-bacterial qualities. Kelp, is crucial to the kelp Forrests, such as the redwoods are to the coastal fog forests of the Western US. Kelp forms the backbone of the kelp forests, the rich eco-systems along the Pacific Ocean that support a huge variety of animal and plant life, but which have also been at the verge of collapse.
My work uses the visual language of color to create an emotional feel; the use of bright sensual colors, occasional subdued hues, and earthy elements brings about a range of feeling tones. The intricate patterns, finely composed colors, and rounded shapes fuel a constant curiosity of the organic. Ecological elements are missing from this current linear realm humans have built from concrete and synthetic materials. Thus my intention is to bring an ecological aesthetic into "built space". My art strives to insert pieces of the earth herself into man-made settings. Recently my love of painting and landscaping has combined into mixed media paintings which use found moss, bark, and seaweed with sensuously colored oil paint, to create an eco-sexual explosion of the senses. Whether collage, painting, drawing, sculpture, or mixed media the art these hands create combines sensual colors with an environmental aesthetic with the intention of exciting the senses while encouraging an awareness of nature.