The above environmental art installation was created for the Climate Change Theater Action event at the Arlene Francis Center, to accompany a series of performances directed by Jessica Litwak. Climate Change Theater Action is a chain of events that happen all over the world to support awareness of the importance of protecting our environment. The piece was created using a large Oak branch, and pieces of oak that had fallen off of a local Oak tree. All materials were collected sustainably and ethically, by only taking what I needed and taking only what nature could offer without making a detrimental impact.

Inviting the viewer to experience a natural sit spot, a place on can sit alone in a forrest or wild place where one can relax and be held by the earth. Being outside among the wild meadows and tall redwoods helps one’s nervous system to relax. It also can remind us of the dichotomy between built space and natural space, one can view the stark difference between linear man made walls and the curvy boughs of an oak tree.